Organization leaders and managers, as being the change agents undoubtedly require perfect knowledge and skills in change management. Considering this reality, Center for Capacity Building / CECAB organized five-day Training Program on Change Management for the managers of different banks and financial institutions from 25-29 October 2010 at Hotel Manaslu Pvt. Ltd.


The three-fold objective of the training was as:

  1. to develop conceptual understandings of participants about change in two levels – individual and organization level with regard to change in internal organizational environment and external societal environment;
  2. to make aware of techniques to assess the readiness of change and change demands; and
  3. to impart knowledge and skills to the participants in developing change strategies with regard to make the change happen in personal life as well as in work organizations.

The main coverage of the training were: Conceptual Understandings of Change Management, Change Management: Problems and Challenges, Understanding of Self and Self-Awareness Building, Changing Behaviors and Developing Positive Attitudes for Betterment, Techniques of Scanning Internal Organizational Change, Strategy and Process of Internal Change in Organization, Techniques of Scanning External Demands for Change, Strategy for Balancing Internal Organizational Capacity and External Environmental Demands of Change, Theory Building Towards Managing Change within the Self and in Organization.

Training program was undertaken with learner-led and practical problem-solving approach with regard to individual as well as organizational change.

The heterogeneous learning group of participants from different financial organizations got opportunities to learn and interact each other, which was also a achievement of this training program. At the end of the program, participants developed frameworks of developing theory building towards managing change within the self and in their work organizations. The frameworks were aimed at enabling to deal with change issues with respect to their workplace. The program was primarily focused on making it output-oriented and pragmatic.

Training Program on Change Management
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